A Note from DT

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. – Psalm 23:4

When I was a kid I went to Kindergarten at a Christian school where we leaned to recite the 23rd Psalm. I remembered feeling nervous when reciting the 4th verse, ‘even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.’ In my 5-year-old mind I conceptualized a belief that when someone dies they would have to walk through hell in order to get to Heaven.  No one taught me this, it was just what I thought the verse was saying.  For years I thought this.  I thought there would be a final test where I would one day have to walk through hell and show no fear at all and then I would get into heaven.  It made me nervous at the thought but I hoped that someday I would be ready to courageously walk that path through the shadow of death with the invisible Shepherd knowing He was with me and was carrying a big stick. 

Reading this Psalm as an adult I now realize that it does incorporate views of darkness and terror but it is using these themes to make a very interesting point.  David is communicating this profound truth that no matter where we are geographically, choosing to wholeheartedly follow the Good Shepherd is the absolute safest place that exists. He states that no matter if it be in lush green grass beside peaceful clear water or in the very valley of the shadow of death we can find comfort in the One whom we are following.  Our comfort comes from our internal spiritual walk with God, not the external forecast or condition of the natural world.  Indeed, it’s all about perspective. I know now that my little kid brain was imagining something that was not fully what was being communicated in the passage…but I was on to something. 

The first of the ten commandments is very telling: “You shall have no other gods before Me”.  One definition of an idol is defined as anything we prioritize before the Lord and I would go as far as to say that ‘Comfort’ is certainly the false god of church-ianity.  Comfort…certainty…convenience,…all of these things can take the place of the Lordship of Jesus in our lives. These are all dead-end streets and will never lead us down the path of abundant life.  Psalm 23 is an absolute statement that David was making that He would follow the Lord no matter what it looked like because he was so assured that the goodness of God would always pursue him.  We can live with the same assurance. 

What if what appears to be the valley of the shadow of death is actually the path of the Lord?  What if the projection of the shadow of the enemy is just a lie that seeks to keep you off of the path of abundant life?  Yes., I believe that is what this psalm is telling us.  When we realize the greatness and care of the One with whom we are walking with it will put all of our fears into their right perspective. Will we be led by His voice or will we simply weigh the paths before us and choose the one that looks the most comfortable?  There must be a resolve. 

 It is time to ruthlessly deal with every fear that you feel and ensure that it has no say in the direction and priorities of your life. Don’t run from fear. Don’t avoid its discomfort. Lean into it. Hear the Lord and follow Him. You are a champion and this world really needs you to lead in faith…people need to see examples of this walk. Someone must lead, why not you?