A Note from DT

What if we began to see the table in the wilderness through the eyes of faith?  What would it look like to come to the table that is surrounded by our fears and in stead of trying to figure out what move to make in order to experience the least amount of discomfort we, in stead, chose to sit down with all of that uncertainty and put our trust inThe Kingdom shakes everything and can change the field of play in an instant. Everything is subject to change in a moment.  Doors will open to those found faithful. Hope. Expect breakthrough.  It is coming on many fronts. Hope. I see many doors opening. Opportunities opening out of seemingly nowhere. Hope. New relationships. Divine connections. Those who follow through in hope will not be disappointed. Being faithful to seek His Kigndom first is a posture that positions you for breakthrough. It has always been this way.  If you’re out of alignment then realign. Reject cynicism and criticism, they are poison…they steal Hope. Love hopes all things.  Don’t be afraid to stand for truth. Speak up and speak life. Speak Hope. You are not alone.  There are many more with you than you may realize and there are far more who will reap the rewards of your faithfulness than you can comprehend.  Be hopeful, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, it is within you, it is upon you.  the One who has led us to this point in life?