A Note from DT

What if we began to see the table in the wilderness through the eyes of faith?  What would it look like to come to the table that is surrounded by our fears and in stead of trying to figure out what move to make in order to experience the least amount of discomfort we, in stead, chose to sit down with all of that uncertainty and put our trust in the One who has led us to this point in life?

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. – Psalm 23:5

From the valley of the shadow of death to a table surrounded by the enemy…sheesh. For about 6 months now I have been considering the concept of the Table in the Wilderness. Throughout the Bible we find story after story of God calling someone out of their current state of being, leading them right into the face of the things which they fear, and delivering them into a new found sense of confidence and purpose.  In this process the object of fear is not removed or avoided, but rather it is pursued and then becomes overshadowed by a higher reality that causes the fear itself to dissipate.

Exposure therapy is a type of therapy in which one is gradually exposed to the things, situations and activities they fear.  The thought is that when someone voluntarily chooses to face the thing they fear in stead of avoiding it, the fear then dissipates and loses the ability to control a person’s life.  This method has become the most widely used treatment for those who suffer from anxiety related disorders.  The truth is that there is an ancient biblical wisdom from which this concept comes from and it has actually worked for millions of people, me included. 

The Biblical wisdom of Psalm 23 communicates that if you are following the Shepherd and He leads you to a table surrounded by the enemy it is actually a banquet of promotion.  The key is to recognize the table for what it is.   As Qui-Gon once said, “Your focus determines your reality”.   The fearfully minded person focuses on the threat and plots a way of escape…a new path of their own choosing.  This is how our defeated enemy steers the lives of many.  The things we avoid in life end up dictating our path. But what if we began to see the table in the wilderness through the eyes of faith?  What would it look like to come to the table that was surrounded by our fears and in stead researching the best ‘expert advice’ or calling our best ‘spiritual-guru’ of a friend and of trying to figure out what move to make in order to experience the least amount of discomfort we, in stead, chose to sit down with all of that uncertainty and refuse to avoid that which we fear?  What if we would refuse to engage in endless fearful possibilities in order to find a sense of peace?  It may be that when we put our defenses down and sit down as if we are being served by the Lord Himself that we find ourselves eating at His table. Yes, this is communion, it is the place of anointing.  Anointing equates to real spiritual authority.  Real spiritual authority translates to power over darkness.  All of it comes from communing with the Lord and eating from His table. The table in the wilderness is an open door…it is a door of promotion. Fear is a manipulative tactic used by the enemy to keep people from walking in the fulness of what Jesus has for them.  They don’t want you to sit at the table. Don’t buy into fear by trying to avoid it.  Sit down in its presence. Don’t try to chase it away. In stead realize the One who is at the table with you.  

It is time to ruthlessly deal with the fear you feel and ensure that it has no say in the direction and priorities of your life. Don’t run from it. Don’t avoid its discomfort. Lean into it. Hear the Lord and follow Him. It is time to breakthrough. It is a time of promotion. You are not alone. God is with you. He is in you.  This is the table, this is the way, it is the ancient way.