A Note from DT

Last week as I was taking communion with a group at HoF I received some of the most specific and accurate prophetic words that I’ve received in years. As a bonus they came from people who do not consider themselves to be especially ‘gifted’ in that area and they had no idea how accurate and personal they were. It was as if the Lord stood behind them and spoke right to me. The words contained specific details and things I had only expressed privately to my wife and a couple of my close friends the previous week.  I went to bed that night and was so stirred up with a sense of encouragement that I had to get up and write as I continued to feel like the voice of the Lord was surrounding me.  As I sat up in bed I felt like I could sense the heart of the Lord. It felt as if He was longing for someone to truly believe what He tells them…and to run with it. The very thought seemed to excite His heart. 2 Chronicles 16:9  says it like this: 

the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him…

Many people feel a pressure to please God and feel that His eyes of judgement are always watching and waiting for them to make a mistake in order to disqualify them. This could not be further from the truth.  He is longing for the loyal of heart to take what He says and lean their entire life into it and I believe that even the thought of it thrills Him…but I also believe it is rare. So this week I wanted to leave you with what may be the best quote ever uttered concerning the voice of the Lord which was spoken by Jesus’ mom at a wedding reception:

“Whatever He says to you, do it.” (Mary, John 2:5)

I believe He is waiting and even longing for us to truly believe what He tells us and to act upon it.  I truly believe the thought of it invigorates Him.  In Luke 12:32 Jesus said that it gave our Father good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.  It brings Him great delight when we receive what He wants to give us…Selah.  Nothing could be more fulfilling than granting Him this.    Hear Him, follow Him, this is the way.